Monday, June 2, 2008

Valley Forge Medical Center and Hospital to Become the First Addiction-Free Pain Management Center of Excellence on the East Coast

Valley Forge Medical Center and Hospital is the first facility on the East Coast to obtain the Addiction-Free Pain Management (APM) Center of Excellence provisional designation, providing cutting edge treatment for people suffering with chronic pain and prescription drug abuse. They are hosting a 3-day professional training seminar June 4-6, 2008 as part of The APM Center of Excellence requirements. The training, Denial Management for Chronic Pain Patients with Substance Use Disorders, is open to the public and will focus on how to deal more effectively with clients exhibiting denial and treatment resistance.

The number of people experiencing chronic pain and coexisting psychological disorders, including addiction, have been increasing significantly. According to the International Association for the Study of Pain, in 1999 there were approximately 86 million Americans suffering from chronic pain. In 2003, Peter D. Hart Research Associates found that the number increased to over 117 million adults. Of that number, at least 10% had abuse/addiction problems. According to research published in the 2006 issue of Pain Physician Journal, 90% of people in the US receiving treatment for pain management are prescribed opiate medication of which 9%-41% had opiate abuse/addiction issues. What is harder to quantify is the emotional cost to family systems when one or more members suffer with a chronic pain condition and other disorders, including addiction.

Dr. Stephen F. Grinstead, Owner and Developer of The Addiction-Free Pain Management (APM) System said: "The APM Treatment System was designed to meet the specific needs of this population by addressing both the addictive disorder and the pain disorder concurrently using a multi-disciplinary treatment plan. The physical, psychological, and social implications of these disorders are critical components of the APM System which uses a three part approach and a collaborative multi-disciplinary treatment team. These components include: (1) A medication management plan; (2) A cognitive-behavioral treatment plan; and (3) A non-pharmacological pain management plan for developing safer medication-free ways to manage pain."

The APM Center of Excellence (COE) designation recognizes treatment providers who have demonstrated skilled pain management and addiction treatment services through the use of the Addiction-Free Pain Management System and the Gorski-CENAPS Model of Treatment. The COE process was developed by Dr. Stephen F. Grinstead in collaboration with Terence T. Gorski and the Gorski-CENAPS Corporation. Providers must meet the rigorous standards for endorsement to be officially recognized and Valley Forge Medical Center's Pain Management Program will be one step closer to receiving the full designation after the Denial Management training.

About Valley Forge Medical Center: Since 1973, Valley Forge Medical Center and Hospital has provided comprehensive treatment to adults with substance abuse and associated physical, social, and psychological disorders. Valley Forge Medical Center and Hospital is a licensed, general hospital approved by the Pennsylvania Department of Health, Bureau of Drug and Alcohol Programs and accredited by the Joint Commission on Accreditation for Healthcare Organizations (JCAHO). For more information, please call (888)539-8500 or visit

About Dr. Stephen F. Grinstead, LMFT, ACRPS, CADC-II: Dr. Grinstead is an author and internationally recognized expert in preventing relapse related to chronic pain disorders. He and his wife Ellen Grinstead own and operate Grinstead Consulting, Training & Coaching Services dedicated to assisting in the treatment of chronic pain and co-existing addictive disorders. Dr. Grinstead developed the Addiction-Free Pain Management System to provide healthcare professionals with specific tools and evidence-based manualized treatment to support them and patients seeking their help. For more information please call (916) 575-9961 or visit